Interment in a Catholic cemetery involves a number of decisions, and costs may differ depending upon selection. The first decision that is made relates to the type of property selected (grave, niche or mausoleum). Memorialization, how and where a name is displayed, will differ among property types. Outer burial containers are generally required for in-ground burial of both caskets (except green burial) and cremated remains. Administration and interment fees also apply for all interments at both
Mt. Calvary & Gethsemani Catholic Cemeteries.
Today, almost half the purchases of burial space made in Catholic Cemeteries are made in advance of death, often referred to as Pre-Need.
A Pre-Need burial space selection may be made today calmly, responsibly, economically and prudently with a low down payment and interest-free monthly payments. A 5% discount is available to our families when pre-purchasing any cemetery property. These purchases are made directly at one of our cemetery offices. The Counselors at Your Catholic Cemeteries offer you their cemetery knowledge and expertise to make an educated interment selection from the many options available.
Most purchases can be made under a payment plan. Payment plans are without interest or carrying charges, so families generally find it more economical to use our payment plan rather than to withdraw from savings. Monthly payments are extended over reasonable lengths of time.
Once families have purchased their property, many choose to also prepay all remaining cemetery required fees for interment and memorialization in advance. For example, your Catholic Cemeteries offer the following goods and services: interment and administration fees, granite grave markers, mausoleum and cremation memorialization, grave liners or protective burial vaults, and in-ground flower vases. All these items can be selected by means of our pre-paid and price-guaranteed cemetery trust program. The program allows you to select only those goods and services you need or want, prevents the possibility of emotional "overspending", and removes the financial burden from those responsible for your arrangements at the time of need.
One of the most important decisions that will have to be made in making funeral arrangements is whether you prefer casket or urn interment. This is an important decision. Leaving this to your family can create stress and uncertainty if your wishes are not known and clearly communicated. While the Catholic Church prefers that the body be present for Mass, there is still much of confusion and misunderstandings regarding cremation. The scattering of the cremated remains of the body, or keeping them at home, or the dividing of them among various family members is not the reverent disposition the Church requires. This website offers a resource page regarding the teachings of the Church on Cremation to assist you with this very important decision. Keep in mind that Mt. Calvary & Gethsemani Catholic Cemeteries offer a variety of arrangements so that family members or a spouse can select cremation while another chooses casket interment and still keep the family together.